Film "Charity"

Film "Charity"

Win a free $25 AMC movie theater gift card!

I was right, the Boomstick Films Christmas party was a blast!! Joe Estevez, Larry Thomas (who was Emmy nominated for his role as the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld), Mo Collins (who appeared in films Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin, Arrested Development, Family Guy, Parks and Recreation) and Alex Skuby (who was a Chicago theater actor originally, and has since been on King of Queens, 24, CSI, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc) and Robert D'Zar (Maniac Cop film series, Tango and Cash, Not Another B Movie. etc) were all in attendance, as well as many other talented actors and filmmakers in the industry! Kudos John Wesley Norton and Karen Norton

And on another note, One follower a month will win a prize!! The first drawing will be Jan 1st! If you follow privately or publicly and you will be able to receive a prize if your name is drawn. First drawing will be Jan. 1st and the winner will receive a free $25 gift card to any AMC movie theater! :) Happy holiday shopping!!

Christmas Party!!

If you are looking for a good Christmas party this year, this is it!!

Attend the Boomstick Films Christmas party!!!! Click on the link below for all the details and check out the celebrity guest list! Stills (photos) from Boomstick Films' films signed by the actors will be auctioned off...Including one of me with Joe Estevez from Dr. Spine film! :) It's gonna be a blast!!